Three New Cases of COVID-19 Confirmed in Grenada

St. George’s: December 29, 2020: The Ministry of Health has recorded three (3) new cases of COVID-19 in Grenada. All three cases are connected to employees from the cluster, and are so far asymptomatic.
During the last thirty-six (36) hours, twenty-nine (29) more previously positive individuals were medically cleared, bringing Grenada’s total active cases to twenty (20).
The health team continues active testing to clear other individuals who have passed the incubation period, as well as others who are in some way connected to positive cases, so as to determine their present risk status.
Contact tracing efforts are continuously underway, given the prevailing presence of the disease in several communities where many are quarantined or under isolation.
While the Ministry is encouraged that the active case count is on a downward trend, we should not drop our guards. All health and safety rules must still be followed rigidly, if Grenada is to win this battle against COVID-19.
A breach or violation of the emergency rules puts us further at risk and undermines the nation’s ability to contain the spread of the virus.
The Ministry reminds everyone to follow the safety guidelines of mask wearing over the nose and mouth when in public spaces, washing and sanitizing hands frequently, and practising physical distancing of at least six feet.
It is also timely to remind the population of the rules for social gatherings. No gathering is allowed outside of your household, and for weddings and funerals, there is an allowance of ten people.
Let us work together to begin 2021 the way we started 2020: COVID-19 free.
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