“TOWARDS Accountability and Integrity in the Grenada Public Sector Systems”
27th October, 2020 – The Office of the Integrity Commission is hosting its fourth annual Centre for Excellence Series Senior Leadership and Management Regional Training Programme under the theme “Towards Accountability and Integrity in the Grenada Public Sector Systems”.
The three-day virtual training programme began on Tuesday October 27th and is being attended by approximately 70 participants from the local public sector, non-governmental organisations, members of the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB), and the Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS).
In addressing Tuesday’s opening ceremony, Grenada’s Prime Minister Dr. the Right Honorable Keith Mitchell, reaffirmed government’s commitment to facilitate regional anti-corruption training.
“I assure you that we are taking seriously and embracing this challenge of a global paradigm shift that requires us to adopt positions on governance and public sector management.
“Our challenges are even more glaring in this Covid 19 pandemic and it simply cannot be business as usual.
“I further assure you that Grenada would continue efforts to improve our own governance models and ensure oversight with effective mechanisms that are responsive to both internal and external threats of corruption,” the Prime Minister said.
Grenada has ratified the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption of the Organization of American States (OAS) and has acceded to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Prime Minister Mitchell said “Such actions signify our collective intention to eliminate the practices and behaviours that foster corruption”.
“Sisters and brothers it is clear, that [an] anti-corruption regime system must be robust, active, well-coordinated and consistent.”
“Here in Grenada, we are actively engaged in the implementation of a suite of legislation that supports our thrust to address accountability and responsible public sector management.”
“Such legislation coupled with implementation efforts, must holistically address the risks and gaps that enable corruption.”
Also addressing the training programme was Secretary General of the Commonwealth Secretariat, Patricia Scotland Q.C.
The Secretary General acknowledged that the training was taking place as jurisdictions face multiple and multifaceted threats that expose their vulnerabilities and undermine their resilience.
“Our Caribbean region is confronted with the triple impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, climate crisis and serious economic challenges.
“On top of these, we have also to tackle, the no less injurious, but perhaps more invisible scourge of corruption; and we do so while simultaneously dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic and its many distressing consequences.”
The Secretary General likened corruption to the Coronavirus saying that it is not partial to country, region, nationality or individual status.
“In ways which are similar to Covid 19, the virus of corruption strikes with no regards for borders, race, politics nor religion.
“Like the pandemic which countries are fighting to control, corruption inflicts huge human and financial costs and puts in grave jeopardy the wellbeing of the most vulnerable.”
Patricia Scotland Q.C told the meeting that while we think of corruption in monetary terms, it also has serious impact on the quality of our lives.
“The illicit financial flows which cost developing countries US$1.26Trillion per year, if properly applied, would lift above the poverty threshold, the 1.4 billion people who get by on less than US$1.25 per day, and keep them there for at least six years.
She reminded participants that no country is immune from corruption and as such cannot become complacent in its activities to fight it.
Over the remaining two days, the workshop will discuss “Effective Financial Management and Procurement Practices during the Covid 19 Pandemic”, “Innovations in Financial Investigation and Asset Recovery”, “Gift registry Management for Public Officials in Grenada” and “Deploying Blockchain Technologies in the Fight against Corruption”. Members of the Cabinet and the Senate will be engaged in closed sessions over the next two days, covering similar issues.
Some of the Presenters include Dr. Roger Koranteng, Adviser and Head of Public Sector Governance; Mr. Timothy Antoine, Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Mr. Kevon Stephenson, Director of Investigations at the Integrity Commission of Jamaica; Mr. Terrence Victor, Acting Chief Procurement Officer: Superintendent Tafawa Pierre, Head of Financial Investigations Unit and Anande Lady Trotman-Joseph, Chairperson of the Integrity Commission and past chairperson of the CCAICACB.
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