Transport Ministry says Call to Suspend Bus Operations is Unfortunate and Commends Operators who Maintained Service
St. George, September 8, 2021 – The Ministry of Transport has described as unfortunate, a call by the National Bus Association for bus operators to suspend their operations for one week, and at the same time, it has commended the operators who opted to continue providing this critical service for commuters across the country.
The call, issued via a press release on Tuesday, was heeded by some bus operators, leading to some measure of disruption. However, the Ministry of Transport is heartened by reports confirming that public transportation is operational along all major routes, as the services of the bus operators are important in keeping the country moving.
The Government is acutely aware of the critical need to balance lives and livelihoods, but it also notes that consultation and collaboration will help to better guide collective action that will not jeopardise any one sector or group of persons.
Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell has repeatedly called for collaboration, unity and partnership in making decisions that are in the best of the country, especially at this time when we are all battling the impact of COVID-19.
Since the start of the pandemic in particular, Government has provided crucial support to the public transport sector including sanitisation, benefits in the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Support Package and the removal of terminal fees to help buffer operational costs and ensure that this service remains available for users.
Further, there is a commitment from Government to continue exploring measures that will bring relief, not only to the transport sector, but to all categories of persons impacted by the pandemic as it juggles the competing needs of various sectors.
Last week, the Ministry of Transport distributed 1,000 face masks, and this is in addition to the supply distributed by the Royal Grenada Police Force in recent weeks.
The Ministry of Transport, and by extension the Government of Grenada stands ready and willing to engage in dialogue that is mutually fulfilling.
The Ministry is grateful for the support of the bus operators who plied their respective routes today to prevent commuters from being stranded.
In this period of community spread and the exponential rise in COVID-19 cases, Government appeals to the bus operators and the travelling public to be vigilant and to adhere to the health and safety protocols issued by the Ministry of Health to help curb the spread of the virus.
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