United States Working With the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency to Build Disaster Resilience
On August 14, the United States Government in partnership with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) launched a new USD $4.5 million initiative entitled “Caribbean Climate Resilience Initiative.” This new initiative will help countries reduce disaster risks as well as absorb and recover from hazard impacts and climate variability.
In December 2019, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the availability of funding to improve disaster resilience in the Caribbean region as part of the Caribbean Resilience Partnership with the region. The launch of the “Caribbean Climate Resilience Initiative” marks the fulfillment of this promise and will serve as a key part of USAID’s strategy to help countries in the region prosper despite the multitude of hazards they face. The initiative will be implemented by CDEMA across the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. It will strengthen operational systems at the country level as well as regionally, improve information and communications technology infrastructure for resilience programming and enhance mechanisms and systems at the community level to build resilience to climate-related hazards.
At the award launch, U.S. Ambassador to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the OECS, Linda Taglialatela, remarked that “The United States Government is committed to working with strong partners to bolster disaster preparedness, response and resilience in the Caribbean. Today we formalize our commitment to working with an outstanding regional institution.” Ambassador Taglialatela further noted that CDEMA shares USAID’s vision for building a pathway for disaster resilience in the Caribbean. In addition, CDEMA’s Acting Executive Director also stated “The CDEMA Coordinating Unit is pleased to partner with USAID in the implementation of the Caribbean Climate Resilience Initiative. CDEMA’s programming is about benefiting people and this programme will extend our reach to the most vulnerable in our communities and positively change lives.”
Under the U.S.-Caribbean 2020 Strategy for Engagement and the U.S.-Caribbean Resilience Partnership, the United States remains committed to partnering with the people of the Caribbean to ensure that they are better able to prepare for, recover from, and build resilience to natural disasters.
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