Updated COVID-19 Quarantine, Isolation and Vaccination Guidance, 10 May 2022

PART A: COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation guidance
All individuals, whether vaccinated, unvaccinated or previously infected:
- All individuals should practice the following prevention measures:
- Wear a face mask that covers the mouth and nose while in the company of people from different households.
- Maintain physical distance of at least six (6) feet as much as practicable.
- Avoid crowded and close contact settings.
- Avoid all unnecessary gatherings and ensure that rooms used indoors have adequate ventilation.
- Wash and sanitize hands frequently.
- All individuals should be tested (Antigen test or PCR) between days 5 to 7 after close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
- All individuals should self monitor for symptoms after close contact with a positive case of COVID-19. Duration of self monitoring is 14 days.
- Testing for COVID-19 should be done immediately if symptoms develop.
Fully vaccinated and previously infected persons:
- Fully vaccinated and previously infected individuals are not required to quarantine after contact with a positive case of COVID-19. They should continue normal activity while observing general prevention measures and do a test for COVID-19 between days 5 to 7.
- Fully vaccinated and previously infected individuals who test positive should isolate for up to seven (7) days without the need for retesting (once symptoms have improved and no fever within 24 hours without the use of medication to lower body temperature).
Isolation can end on day 5 with a negative antigen test.
Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated persons:
- Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals should quarantine for up to five
(5) days if they are a household contact of a positive case of COVID-19. They should be tested on day five (5) and if negative they can exit quarantine and resume normal activity while observing general prevention measures. These individuals should continue to self monitor for another 10 days.
- Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals testing positive should isolate for up to 10 days without the need for retesting (once symptoms have improved and no fever within 24 hours without the use of medication to lower body temperature). .
Isolation can end between days 5 to 7 with a negative antigen test.
Who is a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19?
Persons who have been within six (6) feet of a confirmed positive case for a total of 15 minutes or more without wearing Personal Protective Equipment (face mask).
The date of exposure/contact is considered day 0. Day 1 is the first full day after your last contact with a person who has had COVID-19 (CDC).
Symptoms to look out for:
Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and include fever or chill, headache, congestion or runny nose, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle or body aches, fatigue, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.
PART B: COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at limiting severe disease, hospitalization and deaths. All COVID-19 vaccines available in Grenada are WHO authorized and free to the public. The Ministry of Health encourages all eligible individuals to get vaccinated and boosted.
Grenada COVID-19 vaccine recommendations
Vaccine | Vaccine type | Age range used in | Primary Schedule | First Booster Recommendations |
Pfizer | mRNA | 12 years and older | 2 doses given 3 weeks apart | A third (booster) dose given at least 5 months after the second dose for persons 12 years and over |
AstraZeneca | Viral vector | 18 years and older | 2 doses given 8 – 12 weeks apart | A third (booster) dose given 5 months after the second dose for persons 18 years and over (preferably with an mRNA vaccine) |
Janssen (J&J) | Viral vector | 18 years and older | 1 dose | A second (booster) dose given at least 2 months after the single dose for persons 18 years and over (preferably with an mRNA vaccine) |
Moderna | mRNA | 18 years and older | 2 doses given 4 weeks apart | A third (booster) dose given at least 5 months after the second dose for persons 18 years and over |
Sinopharm | Inactivated | 18 years and older | 2 doses given 3 – 4 weeks apart | A third (booster) dose given at least 5 months after the second dose for persons 18 years and over (preferably with an mRNA vaccine) |
Second booster recommendation:
Who should get a second booster of COVID-19 vaccine?
- Adults aged 50 years and older
- Individuals aged 12 years and older who are moderatelyor severely immunocompromised
When to get your COVID-19 vaccine second booster?
- The second booster shot can be taken at least 4 months after the first booster
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